
Technology for Human Development: A Capability Approach.

Mobiles phones have become known in the past decade as ‘weapons against poverty’ in the South. Yet mainstream ‘ICT for Development’ (ICT4D) has also been criticized for seeing local people as passive receivers of technology and assuming too easily that introducing technology equals development. This is just one example of debate about if, how, and when technology contributes to development. However, ‘development’ is a value-laden concept – it is something like ‘good’ social change. The capability approach of economist Amartya Sen and philosopher Martha Nussbaum is an influential normative framework that provides one answer to the question what development is. In her talk she will discuss how it can be brought to bear on technology and its design.


Ilse Oosterlaken has a background in both philosophy and in technology & development studies. She currently works at the philosophy section of TU Delft, where she is part of a multidisciplinary project in which she collaborates with industrial designers that develop products for the South. She has just finished her doctoral dissertation, titled “Taking a Capability Approach to Technology and Its Design – A Philosophical Exploration.”


Vergadercentrum, Vredenburg 19



Filosofie & Techniek

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Nadere informatie bij Henk Uijttenhout (vz), tel.: 070 - 3875293 / 06 - 26715554 of via onderstaand e-mailadres.

Website Ilse Oosterlaken