
Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) is critical in meeting the climate objectives, stated by the International Energy Agency in their recent World Energy Outlook, showing a contribution by CCS of 19 % to the worlds emission reduction in 2050. Both Dutch and European politicians recognize CCS as a necessary measure to meet the CO2 reduction goals. For this a range of large scale demonstration projects are envisioned to be implemented throughout Europe over the next 10-15 years. The Dutch work program “Schoon en Zuinig” and the Energy Transition Path “Nieuw Gas” state as its ambition realizing one or two large scale demonstration projects in The Netherlands by 2015 and to become a CCS frontrunner in Europe. This requires accelerating technology development to support industrial scale up of CCS. It further requires the development of a legal framework and economic incentives for CCS within The Netherlands and the EU. CATO-2 R&D supports these needs.

CATO is an abbreviation of “CO2 Afvang, Transport en Opslag”. CATO-2 program’s mission is to facilitate and enable the integrated development of CCS demonstration sites in The Netherlands. The program’s ambition is to help support the realization of two or more demonstration sites where the complete integration of CO2 capture, transport and storage will be demonstrated in The Netherlands before 2015.

The R&D is organized around five program lines:
1. Capture, including post-combustion, pre-combustion and oxy-combustion,
2. Transport and chain integration,
3. Storage, monitoring and verification,
4. Regulation and safety,
5. Communication and public perception.

In the presentation, an overview will be given on the five program lines and the technologies and challenges to capture CO2 will be addressed.

Presentation will be in English.

Spreker(s) E.J.M. Giling, Senior Project Manager TNO Science and Industry


KIVI NIRIA Gebouw, Grote Zaal

Prinsessegracht 23, 2514 AP Den Haag


Olie- en Gastechnologie

Naam en contactgegevens voor informatie

Nadere informatie bij Lesley Aertssen-Witham, tel: 070-3771971 of via onderstaand e-mailadres.