
Shell Pernis refinery is the largest and most complex refining and petrochemical site in Europe. Over the last 25 years large investment programmes resulted in significant additions to the refinery's capacity to process the heaviest residues and to make new fuels as according to the most stringent new European fuel specifications. Investments were made in a short residue upgrader, Hycon, short residue gasification units for hydrogen and electricity, a hydrocracker and product upgrading facilities for gasoline and diesel. A year ago Shell announced plans for a new series of investments. Recently Shell reported the start up of the new gasturbine based heat and power plant.

The Oil and Gastechnology section of KIVI NIRIA is very pleased to invite you to visit the refinery. The programme comprises a presentation and a site tour.

Visitors will need to bring their ID-card.

Maximum number of participants: 50.


Shell Raffinaderij Pernis Centraal Kantoor (Haven-

nr. 3190), Vondelingenweg 601, 3196 KK Hoogvliet


Olie- en Gastechnologie

Naam en contactgegevens voor informatie

Further information: Lesley Aertssen-Witham , tel: 070 - 3771971 or by sending a mail to the following address.