IDEMC: Circular-Ready Product Design
“Leave Tracks, No Traces” (Flipsen 2023)
Extending product lifetime and recovering materials at end-of-life is essential in a circular economy. When products cannot be opened, you cannot repair, refurbish, or remanufacture them. Also, the recycling process is hindered by products which are difficult to access or where components are inseparably connected.
To understand all aspects of repair & recycling this masterclass teaches you methods to find priority parts, assess the ease of disassembly of products from an engineering point of view, and addresses material recovery at end-of-life. Besides the deep-dive into product-related aspects and circular ready redesign, we will introduce you to current and future legislation within the EU context.
This masterclass is hands-on and focusses on consumer products (no packaging design). You will work on your own product case study which you will dismantle and analyze for improved fit in the circular economy.
Learning Objectives
During this master class, you will:
- understand the different end-of-life value-capture strategies involved in the circular economy;
- understand how design can contribute to a circular economy;
- apply tools and techniques to assess the ease-of-disassembly, product circularity and potential value capture;
- apply different principles and strategies for circular product design;
- reflect on ways to overcome the barriers for going circular.
- Theory and practice of designing for a circular economy;
- Circular product design tools and methods.
Bas Flipsen is senior lecturer at the faculty of Industrial Design Engineering, TU Delft. His research focuses on sustainability from a pragmatic point of view. He analyses product-service sustems with quantative in-house developed tools and teaches several courses on repair and sustainability.
Ruud Balkenende is professor of Circular Product Design at the faculty of Industrial Design Engineering at TU Delft. He received his PhD on a doctoral thesis about the use of copper as an automotive exhaust catalyst material. Since 2013 his activities extended from recyclability to circular economy, i.e. reusing products of parts at a functional level instead of recovering materials.
Registration: https://www.tudelft.nl/io/studeren/ide-design-master-classes/registration/