IDEMC: Creative facilitation
Creativity and creative collaboration in innovation
Creative Facilitation is the art of leading a team through a creative process in order to solve problems or generate new, shared visions and opportunities for organizations. Getting everyone on the same page in an open and trustful atmosphere of creative collaboration demands special care and attention.
In this two-day program the focus will be on developing and deliberately applying the most important 21st century skills: ‘creative thinking’ and ‘problem solving’. The masterclass will provide an opportunity to expand your knowledge of creative techniques and processes and learn from experience through real-life cases. Creative Facilitation uses the fundamental concepts of Industrial Design Engineering to create and elaborate ideas into workable solutions.
After this masterclass you will be able to apply creativity in a deliberate way in your daily work whenever you need it: Whether it concerns inventing and developing new concepts in a project team; solving complex issues with a multi-disciplinary group; convincingly facilitating a creative session for a client; or in case you need an intervention to make the weekly team meeting more effective.
Learning Objectives
During this master class, you will learn to
- apply the principles and ground rules of deliberate creativity in groups
- guide a group through a creative process
- select and apply effective creative techniques
- organize and facilitate creative processes for specific problems or issues
Ir. Katrina Heijne is researcher and lecturer at the Design, Organisation and Strategy (DOS) department at the Faculty of Industrial Design Engineering. As part of the minor Connected Creativity, she developed the courses 'Deliberate Creativity' and 'Practice of Creativity', which were launched in 2020. In addition, she is course coordinator in the master course 'Creative Facilitation'.
Registration: https://www.tudelft.nl/io/studeren/ide-design-master-classes/registration/