Platform Product & Service Design
On behalf of the Platform Product & Service Design you are invited to participate in the openings symposium on the 8th of December in the Drienerburght Conference Hotel. You can make a reservation by sending an e-mail to Ans Fokkinga,
If you are not able to participate in this symposium, but you want to receive our Research Overview, you can also send an e-mail to this address.
13:00 Reception and registration
13:30 Welcome by Arthur Eger (Faculty Engineering Technology)
13:35 The first copy of the Research Overview is offered to ...?
13:40 Jeanette Ridder-Numan (Ministry OCW, Board of Reasearch and Science)
14:00 Jeroen Verbrugge (Director/founder, FLEX/the INNOVATIONLAB)
14:20 Wim Poelman (Professor Product Realisation, University of Twente)
14:40 Pause
15:00 Parallel sessions (three themes)
* Human-Technology Relations, Chair: Angelika Mader, Lectures: Matthijs Noordzij, Steven Dorrestijn
* Organising Innovation, Chair: Erwin Hofman, Lectures: Klaasjan Visscher, John van Oorschot
* Understanding Product Success, Inspiring Product Design, Chair: Wouter Eggink, Lectures: Maaike Mulder-Nijkamp, Matthijs Meulenbelt
After the presentations the groups will try to devise a new research project within the theme, the plan will include a preliminary planning for the financing of the project and for the next steps that will have to be taken.
16:10 Plenary presentation of the new research projects by the chairs, including the next steps
16:40 Informal reception
Conference Hotel Drienerburght, Drienerlolaan 5,
7522 NB Enschede (UT Campus)
Industrieel Ontwerpen
Platform Product & Service Design
Naam en contactgegevens voor informatie
Ans Fokkinga
Aanmelden via
Ans Fokkinga