
KIVI International Engineers (KIE), a section of The Royal Netherlands Society of Engineers KIVI (before Engineers without borders), is glad to relaunch itself and introduce its new board members. With its new start, KIE is pleased to invite you to its kick-off event under the title “Circular Economy in the Netherlands and Abroad: Experiences and new trends”. Circular Economy is selected as the topic for our first seminar since it is the annual theme of KIVI.

Driven by its mission to become a cater for international engineers in the Netherlands, on 27th September 2017, with great honor KIE is hosting two high level speakers with international and Dutch experiences on the topic. The idea is to share two different points of view in the context of circular economy: one from local and another from international experience and share the outlook for the future in this regard. Dr. Pavlina Nanou will give a presentation about her projects in The Netherlands from the local perspective and Dr. Diego Santamaria Razo will give a presentation about his projects in the international perspective. Each presentation will be followed by a short Q&A . And the whole seminar will be finalized with a dialog about the future trends in circular economy to create a fruitful conversation and interaction between the speakers and audience.

To speak Dutch is no longer a prerequisite to enjoy valuable KIVI events. English will be the official language of all our events.

As the number of seats is limited to 100, it is mandatory to register.
Admission will be granted on first come, first serve basis.

Dress Code: Business Casual


Dr. Diego Santamaria Razo is a Mexican researcher with 10 years experience in the circular economy sector. He has an Electronics and Comunications background and in 2004 he was granted with a scholarship by the Italian government to be part of a PhD program in Material Science at the Polytechnic University of Turin with specific focus on photonic applications. The same year he started working for ITT Motion Technologies and natural waste materials were studied as substitute for synthetic materials. In 2014 he started working for Lapinus Fibres in the Netherlands where he worked with biosoluble mineral fibres and since february 2017 he is the Director of the Innovation Centre for Sustainable Construction in CRH were Circular Economy is one of the main drivers for research and development. From 2008 to today he has tried to valorize agricultural waste in Mexico without success.

Dr. ir. Pavlina Nanou has 13 years of research experience on biomass conversion technologies. She has a chemical engineering background and since 2013 she is working as a researcher on dry and wet torrefaction technologies at the Energy research Centre of The Netherlands (ECN). She is coordinator and project manager of the EnCore project, among others, and has a significant role in bringing wet torrefaction technology in pilot phase.


"Oldies but goodies: circular economy and its different realities" by Dr. Diego Santamaria Razo, Head of Sustainable Concrete Center, CRH.

"Sustainable materials and energy from sewage sludge" by Dr. ir. Pavlina Nanou, Researcher and Project Manager, ECN Biomass.




KIVI International Engineers


Naam en contactgegevens voor informatie

Gulsum Hilal van der Holst on behalf of KIVI International Engineers

Short abstract Dr. ir. Pavlina Nanou

Short abstract Dr. Diego Santamaria Razo