Future City, Future Water
This year the topic of the symposium will be water scarcity in all its forms: both problems and solutions. The aim of this Symposium is to give, in the morning session, an overview of problems generated by water scarcity at different scales (World, Europe, Developing Countries) and how the scientific community is reacting to them. Then, in the afternoon session, separate workshops (two sessions) will take place in relation to solutions for specific issues. Different topics have been selected in the domains of Drinking Water, Water Resources and Wastewater. We are glad to announce that professor Jules van Lier will be the chairman of the day for this symposium.
Time: Content: Speaker
9:00 Welcome with coffee
9:15 Introduction talk by the chairman of the day Prof. Huub Savenije
9:45 Water in megacities in the developing world
The water problems caused by the rapid urbanization in developing countries will be discussed. [still open]
10:30 Break
10:45 The Dutch Water City - Innovations for flood proof eco-cities
This is about the future vision for urban watermanagement with a special focus on the Netherlands. The relationship between city architecture and watermanagement, the sustainability of present practices and expected future changes in urban watermanagement will be discussed. [still open]
11:30 Panel discussion
12:00 Lunch
13:00 First set of parallel sessions, topics are depended on speakers.
13:45 Second set of parallel sessions, topics are depended on speakers.
14:30 Break
14:45 Third set of parallel sessions, topics are depended on speakers.
15:30 Final discussion
16:00 Drinks
Faculty of Civil Engineering Room E, TU Delft
Landgebruik en Watermanagement
Dispuut Watermanagement
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