Comfort on the Rocks
For those who dream of discovering the world beyond limits, DAMEN has launched the world’s first purpose-built, Polar Code compliant range of expedition yachts called the SeaXplorer range with true global capability – from extreme polar to remote tropical areas.
In this lecture it is explained how the SeaXplorer range came about with partners DAMEN, AMELS, EYOS Expeditions, and AZURE Yacht Design & Naval Architects. Starting from the drawing board, DAMEN has designed every detail of the SeaXplorer range of expedition yachts for life-changing experiences at the extremes of our planet.
Mark Vermeulen, Product Director Yacht Support, DAMEN
Faculty Room and Lecture Hall A - Faculty 3mE -
TU Delft, Leeghwaterstraat 17, 2628 CD Delft
Maritieme Techniek
Naam en contactgegevens voor informatie
KIVI Martec