Passenger comfort in ship design
In the last decade the design and construction of a substantial volume of large cruise ships has stimulated the evolution of cruise ship design. The MARIN and TNO involvement in these developments, and in particular the increase in size, have lead to new insights in how the ship design governs passenger discomfort.
Our contribution to the conference highlights our experience with the link between passenger comfort and cruise ship design by identifying the particular seakeeping qualities of cruise ships that govern passenger comfort and showing the impact the most important choices in cruise ship design on these governing factors. Attention is paid to the effect of combined motions and roll stabilisation on seasickness, the discomfort introduced by slamming induced whipping and to postural stability.
In the first part of the presentation mr. Bos will highlight the state of the art of quantifying the multidimensional, partly subjective and partly objective aspects of passenger comfort and it’s relation with ship behaviour.
In the second part mr. Dallinga will review contemporary issues in seakeeping of passenger ships (motions, roll stabilization, slamming induced vibrations) and the implications of the above understanding in their design.
20.00 uur Koffie
20.30 uur Aanvang voordrachten
R.P. Dallinga, MARIN, Wageningen, The Netherlands
J.E. Bos, TNO Human Factors, Soesterberg, The Netherlands
Nieuwe gebouw van INHOLLAND, Auditorium (2e etage)
Rotterdamseweg 141, Delft
Maritieme Techniek
Naam en contactgegevens voor informatie
Nadere informatie bij Erik de Ridder via onderstaand e-mailadres.