Simulation Based Engineering
This symposium has been postponed due to circumstances.
In this symposium, 3 professors Mechanical Engineering & Materials Science of the TU/e, TUD & RWTH Aachen will give a presentation on recent developments in their research groups in the fields of simulation based Engineering, including the role of materials.
This symposium addresses modeling, simulation, design and the experimental verification at different length scales, whereby the role of the underlying materials is particularly highlighted. Much of the research is done as indirect or direct support for industrial needs.
The program includes a Lab Market, where the Multi-scale lab will open his doors and demonstrate modern experimental capabilities at the TU/e that are used in support of the simulation based activities. This lab allows for quantitative in-situ microscopic measurements during deformation and mechanical characterization of a broad class of materials, structures, MEMS, etc. on a wide range of length scales. It therefore constitutes the main source for all experimental research on various mechanical aspects of materials within the range of 10-9-10-2m.
From the industry a presentation by DSM is given by a senior scientist.
13:30 Opening: Ir. Grardus Oosterhout, Department Mechanics KIVI NIRIA
13:35 "Scale transition approaches in mechanics of materials” by Prof. Dr. Ir. Marc Geers
14:10 "Designing new steels to improve car crash resistance: combining metallurgy, micro-mechanics and physics” by Prof. Dr. Ir. Sybrand van der Zwaag
14:45 "Modelling of the strength and ballistic performance of Dyneema® fibers" by Dr. Harm van der Werff
15:20 Break
15:40 "Advanced material modelling and finite element technology for production processes and medical technology” by Prof. Dr. Stefanie Reese
16:15 “Lab Market”, Multi-scale lab TU/e, W-Hoog, Floor -1
17:15 Closing
17:20 - 18:30 Drink
College room W-hoog, Department of Mechanical
Engineering, Campus TU/e, Eindhoven
Naam en contactgegevens voor informatie
CONTACT KIVI NIRIA: Ir. Grardus Oosterhout (Chairman Department Mechanics KIVI NIRIA) e-mail: tel 06 - 223 76 786 TU/e: Mrs. Alice van Litsenburg,, tel 040 - 2474060 Marc Geers,