PSE-NL Mini-symposium
Process Systems Engineering NL is a knowledge network that aims to offer a platform for sharing the best practices and scientific advancements in the PSE area, by specialists from academia and industry as well as systems focused process technology & operations managers. PSE-NL offers interactive workshops, symposia and training, networking, contacts with international PSE networks.
PSE-NL intends to build and maintain expert knowledge, disseminate of knowledge in scientific journals and technical magazines and envisions a PSE roadmap in NL and EU. PSE-NL network can help bolstering the interests and careers of members, as well as initiating and carrying out industrial projects, making contributions to technology development and application projects with industry, while fostering academic research.
In collaboration with NPT and ISPT, we organize an afternoon with an exciting program with presentations by many process systems engineering professionals from industry, academia as well as software developing companies!
We warmly welcome you to our December event. Registration is free of charge but please register your participation to our secretary:
Eindhoven University of Techology
Building Traverse, Room Van Trier
Nederlandse Procestechnologen
Naam en contactgegevens voor informatie
Boelo Schuur
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