
Lezingenavond met als onderwerp: 'Efficient wind turbine installation vessel''.

To improve the efficiency of offshore wind turbine installation, Huisman is developing the Wind Turbine Shuttle: a dynamically positioned, fast sailing (14 knots) SWATH - Small Water plane Area Twin Hull - type installation vessel which can carry and install two fully outfitted wind turbines. By combining low vessel motions characteristics, heave compensating systems and an accurate dynamic positioning system, the wind turbine is kept virtually stationary in relation to the fixed foundation, resulting in short installation time. The SWATH-type floating vessel provides excellent vessel motions and therefore a large workability of 80% in North Sea Conditions. Huisman has used its 25 years of experience in the application of active heave compensation systems on cranes and other lifting devices on the design of the Wind Turbine Shuttle. It's in house Naval Architect department has engineered and tested the SWATH.


Remko de Boer, Business Development bij Huisman.

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Huisman gebouw, Admiraal Trompstraat 2

3155 HH Schiedam


Offshore Techniek

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