
Lezingenavond bij GustoMSC in Schiedam, met als onderwerp: "FPSO's in Brazil - Mega projects in an interesting market".

SBM Offshore runs a series of FPSO projects of very large scale for the production of oil and gas offshore Brazil.
The fields are located in the well-known oil province Campos Basin, as well as in the Espírito Santos Basin (at the north) and the latest project in-hands concerns a development of one of the more recently discovered sub-salt reservoirs in the Santos Basin (south of the Campos Basin). Apart from their size, the projects offer important technical challenges (oil gravity, water depth, pressures, CO2 content in the produced gas, etc).
Working in Brazil also brings along interesting project management and logistics challenges. The requirements of Petrobras and Brazilian authorities ask for a special project approach, involving a defined Brazilian local content in the realization of the FPSO's.
The presentation will touch all subjects mentioned: The overall offshore plans in Brazil, the importance of these developments for SBM Offshore, the projects and their technical challenges, and the consequences of Brazilian regulations for the execution of the work.


Jan van den Boomgaard, Senior Project Manager bij Gusto B.V., en Jos Bronneberg, Senior Department Manager bij Gusto B.V.

* Er is om 18.00 uur gelegenheid tot deelname aan de gesponsorde broodmaaltijd.
* De broodmaaltijd vooraf en de borrel na afloop worden aangeboden door GustoMSC.
* Tot uiterlijk 15 februari kunt u aangeven of u aan de broodmaaltijd wilt deelnemen.
* Na 15 februari kunt u zich -zolang het maximum aantal deelnemers nog niet bereikt is - nog wel aanmelden, maar is er voor u geen broodmaaltijd gereserveerd. U wordt dan om 19.00 uur verwacht.


Caland Building

Karel Doormanweg 66, Schiedam


Offshore Techniek

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