FPSO Standardization
Download the presentation:
- Presentation Andrew Newport: The Benefits and Limits of FPSO Standardisation
"The Limitations and Benefits of FPSO Standardization"
Standardization to reduce project cost is a method, driven by the search for efficiencies in project execution. Implementation of any approach to standardization requires clarity about the objectives, benefits and compromises that are required. This presentation clarifies different approaches to FPSO standardizations. It addresses historical examples of standardization and whether these were successful. The presentation addresses the extent of design replication, the impact of field conditions, the regional regulatory framework, and client specifications on standardization. Further it will provide insight on the potential obstacles to its successful implementation.
"The Limitations and Benefits of FPSO Standardization"
Standardization to reduce project cost is a method, driven by the search for efficiencies in project execution. Implementation of any approach to standardization requires clarity about the objectives, benefits and compromises that are required. This presentation clarifies different approaches to FPSO standardizations. It addresses historical examples of standardization and whether these were successful. The presentation addresses the extent of design replication, the impact of field conditions, the regional regulatory framework, and client specifications on standardization. Further it will provide insight on the potential obstacles to its successful implementation.
* Sandwiches beforehand and drinks afterwards are offered with the compliments of SBM.
* Registration for KIVI members opens at 13 October 2018.
* For non-members -if seats are still available- registration opens at 6 December 2018.
* Until 11 December you can indicate with your registration if reserving sandwiches is necessary for you.
* After 11 December there may be a possibility to registrate -if not fully booked- but no sandwiches will be reserved for you. You will expected by 19.00h then.
Andrew Newport (Technology director at SBM Offshore)
Karel Doormanlaan 66, 3115 JD Schiedam
Offshore Techniek
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