Nord Stream Project
Lezingenavond met als onderwerp: Nord Stream Project - The new gas supply for Europe.
The Nord Stream project concerns the construction of an offshore natural gas transmission system comprising two 48-inch diameter pipelines from Vyborg in Russia to Germany, Lubmin near Greifswald.
The pipelines through the Baltic Sea is the most direct connection between the vast gas reserves in Russia and energy markets in the European Union. In addition to Russia and Germany, the pipelines traverse the Exclusive Economic Zones (EEZ) and/or Territorial Waters (TW) of Finland, Sweden and Denmark.
Each pipeline runs about 1220 km and once fully operational the two parallel pipelines will transport 55 billion cubic metres of natural gas a year – enough to satisfy the needs of 26 million European households.
In August 2011 the Allseas’ DPPLV Solitaire – the biggest pipelay vessel in the world – successfully completed her 700km work scope in the Gulf of Finland.
The precise manoeuvring of a fully dynamic positioning system enabled her to work without anchors, in an area with congested traffic in a region historically known for large number of mines and munitions dumping during the First and Second World Wars.
The presentation will address some of the typical challenges associated with the cross-border installation of one of the biggest infrastructure projects ever in the Baltic region.
Gert Pellinkoft, Project Manager bij Allseas.
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KIVI NIRIA Gebouw, Prinsessegracht 23
2514 AP Den Haag
Offshore Techniek
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