Offshore gerelateerd onderzoek aan TUD
Lezingavond met als onderwerp: “Offshore gerelateerd onderzoek aan de TU Delft”
Prof. Ir. C.A. Willemse will present a general overview of on-going research at the department of Offshore Technology at the TU Delft. He will discuss the importance of the relation of the TU Delft with Companies active in Offshore Industry for the execution of this research.
Prof. Willemse will introduce three PhD students to present the progress on their respective research topics in more detail:
Ir. Annemiek Hilberink will present her investigations into the behavior of pipe-in-pipe, when reeled and unreeled on a large diameter drum of an installation vessel;
Ir. Arno Nobel presents his progress with respect to jetting in clay, important for trenching of pipelines and cables, as well as deep water mining; and
Ir. Jeroen Hoving will present specific topics related to offshore activities in Arctic environment.
All above research studies are supported by experiments. These will be addressed in the presentations, and will serve in particular to illustrate the practical relevance of the theoretical models being developed in the PhD studies.
Prof.I. C.A. Willemse, Ir. Annemiek Hilberink, Ir. Arno Nobel en Ir. Jeroen Hoving
* Er is om 18.00 uur gelegenheid tot deelname aan de gesponsorde broodmaaltijd.
* De broodmaaltijd vooraf en de borrel na afloop worden aangeboden door TU Delft.
* De borrel na afloop wordt gehouden in café "de Posthoorn" op het Lange Voorhout.
* Aanmelden tot uiterlijk dinsdag voor de lezing.
KIVI NIRIA gebouw, Prinsessegracht 23
2514 AP Den Haag
Offshore Techniek
Naam en contactgegevens voor informatie
Nadere informatie bij ir. M. Meijer van Delta Marine Consultants, tel. 0182-590613 of 06-29121831.