
The amount of projects for offshore wind energy is increasing rapidly. One of the bottlenecks for this development is the availability of vessels suitable for offshore installation of wind turbines.
GustoMSC have a significant market share in the design and supply of new equipment to all West-European installation contractors, which are trying to make up for the shortage of vessels and equipment. This involves the provision of specific designs for installation vessels, but also design and supply of key equipment for such vessels like jacking systems, cranes and specific handling and installation tools. The designs profit from the fast growing practical experience gained during recent installations.
The presentation introduces the various installation aspects, presents a number of GustoMSC designed offshore wind turbine installation vessels and specific installation tools, and will discuss near future developments.

Voorafgaand aan de lezing vindt een broodmaaltijd plaats. Deze begint om 18.00 uur.
De broodmaaltijd vooraf en borrel na afloop zal worden aangeboden door GustoMSC.


Nils van Nood, Manager Product Development Group bij Gusto B.V. en Joop Mikx, Engineering Manager bij MSC B.V.


GustoMSC gebouw, Karel Doormanweg 66



Offshore Techniek

Naam en contactgegevens voor informatie

Informatie bij ir. J.F.P. Schönfeld, via onderstaand e-mailadres of telefonisch: 079-3423443 of 06-46186336.