Scour and scour protection
Lezingenavond met als onderwerp: "Scour and scour protection around offshore structures - new concepts and installation practice".
Scour (local erosion around a foundation) is an important issue for the oil&gas industry, but increasingly also for the renewable energy market. This puts a demand for reliable scour predictions and/or effective countermeasures, such as scour protections.
Recently, Deltares developed state-of-the-art laboratory techniques and invested in new laboratory facilities, such as the Atlantic Basin (both current and waves). Findings from model tests are translated into formulae and implemented in dedicated engineering software. In this presentation, interesting new concepts for scour protection will be introduced. Besides research in the lab, Deltares investigates the performance of scour protections in the field to validate the developed design methods.
Van Oord has a long track record in placing crushed rock in various gradations around offshore structures and pipelines as erosion protection and support, besides installation of various types of ballast material into offshore structures. Van Oord will introduce to the market during early 2011 their new, purpose built flexible fall pipe vessel "Stornes". This vessel with a loading capacity of 27,000 t and a working depth up to 1500 m is capable of placing rock on the seabed with high accuracy and in large volumes.
An introduction into the state-of-the art fallpipe technology and corresponding working methods will be given by showing a short video on subsea rock installation.
Tim Raaijmakers, Advisor & Researcher Offshore Engineering bij Deltares en Maurice de Kok, Manager Subsea Rock Installation en Teus Gijzel, Project Manager Offshore Structures bij Van Oord.
* Er is om 18.00 uur gelegenheid tot deelname aan de gesponsorde broodmaaltijd.
* De broodmaaltijd vooraf en de borrel na afloop worden aangeboden door Deltares en Van Oord.
* De borrel na afloop wordt gehouden in café "de Posthoorn" op het Lange Voorhout.
* Tot uiterlijk 15 maart kunt u aangeven of u aan de broodmaaltijd wilt deelnemen.
* Na 15 maart kunt u zich -zolang het maximum aantal deelnemers nog niet bereikt is - nog wel aanmelden, maar is er voor u geen broodmaaltijd gereserveerd. U wordt dan om 19.00 uur verwacht.
KIVI NIRIA Gebouw, Prinsessegracht 23
2514 AP Den Haag
Offshore Techniek
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