
Lezingenavond met als onderwerp: Tension Leg Platform for Ormen Lange Future Compression Opportunity.

The Ormen Lange gas field, approximately 120km offshore Norway has been producing since 2007 from a number of subsea wells located in around 900m water depth, that are connected by a pipeline system to the onshore processing plant at Nyhamna. The field venture partners are Petoro, Statoil, Shell, Dong and ExxonMobil. Shell as the operator of the field is evaluating options for providing in-field gas compression facilities to enhance the ultimate recovery from the reservoir. One option is to install compression facilities on sea bottom and a pilot project is underway in Norway to qualify a subsea compression solution for this purpose. In parallel with this, a floating concept is being evaluated using a Tension Leg Platform (TLP) to support compression facilities on the surface close to the subsea wells. The selection between the two options is planned to be in mid-2012.
Tension Leg Platforms have been used for drilling and production facilities in moderate water depths in the North Sea, and in deepwater in the Gulf-of Mexico, West Africa and Indonesia. Ormen Lange would represent the first deepwater TLP in the North Sea. This presentation will discuss the attributes of the TLP which make it well suited to this application as a deep water harsh environment compression platform, and will explain some of the specific challenges overcome in proving up the TLP concept for the setting at Ormen Lange.


Wouter Burger, Spencer Wilmshurst and Micha van der Kraan. The presenters are engineers at Shell.

* Er is om 18.00 uur gelegenheid tot deelname aan de gesponsorde broodmaaltijd.
* De broodmaaltijd vooraf en de borrel na afloop worden aangeboden door Shell.
* De borrel na afloop wordt gehouden in café "de Posthoorn" op het Lange Voorhout.
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2514 AP Den Haag


Offshore Techniek

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