The Hunt for Unexploded Ordnance
"The Hunt for Unexploded Ordnance - Technologies and Methods"
The uncontrolled detonation of unexploded ordnance (UXO) is still a present-day risk in coastal and offshore marine environments. The development of offshore wind farms / renewable energy is influenced and potentially hindered by the presence of UXO on the site of the various project developments. Many of these locations are in challenging and busy regions of the European water ways.
Fugro will present some of their processes and technologies used for detecting (such as the Fugro Geowing) and for determining what potential UXO may be present and how these are identified, confirmed and ultimately removed as a risk from the project site.
* Sandwiches beforehand and drinks afterwards are offered with the compliments of Fugro.
* Registration for KIVI members opens at 21 January 2019.
* For non-members -if seats are still available- registration opens at 14 March 2019.
* Until 19 March you can indicate with your registration if reserving sandwiches is necessary for you.
* After 19 March there may be a possibility to registrate -if not fully booked- but no sandwiches will be reserved for you. You will expected by 19.00h then.
Marco Gilissen (Project Director at Fugro).
Prismastraat 4, 2631 RS Nootdorp
Offshore Techniek
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see above for the date when registration opens