
Lezingenavond met als onderwerp: "The Development of Thermoplastic Composite Risers".

The production of oil and gas moves into ever deeper waters. Current technology of flexible dynamic risers or steel catenary risers is suitable up to 2000 to 2500 m water depth. So-called hybrid towers are available concepts for future deeper development, but these combinations of steel risers, buoyancy members and flexible pipes are quite complex. A further complication comes from high temperatures, or aggressive components (CO2 and H2S) in the produced fluids.
Airborne, experts in composite products, is well advanced in offering a new product, which can take up the challenge. Sponsored by oil majors, a Thermoplastic Composite Riser (TCR) is being developed and tested. The tubular has promising properties comprising of: (1) Low weight and large dynamic stability, for very deep waters; (2) High chemical and temperature resistance, also in long-term application; and (3) Simple construction based on all-polymer with fibre reinforced wall, and easy to handle (reelable). Martin van Onna will tell about the technology development of the product, as well as the fabrication methodology. Additionally to the riser development, other composite applications for oil & gas will be presented.


Martin van Onna, Managing Director bij Airborne Composite Tubulars.

* Er is om 18.00 uur gelegenheid tot deelname aan de gesponsorde broodmaaltijd.
* De broodmaaltijd vooraf en de borrel na afloop worden aangeboden door Airborne.
* De borrel na afloop wordt gehouden in café "de Posthoorn" op het Lange Voorhout.
* Tot uiterlijk 17 mei kunt u aangeven of u aan de broodmaaltijd wilt deelnemen.
* Na 17 mei kunt u zich -zolang het maximum aantal deelnemers nog niet bereikt is - nog wel aanmelden, maar is er voor u geen broodmaaltijd gereserveerd. U wordt dan om 19.00 uur verwacht.


KIVI NIRIA Gebouw, Prinsessegracht 23

2514 AP Den Haag


Offshore Techniek

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