FELIX Laboratory Nijmegen
The FELIX facility (Free Electron Lasers for Infrared eXperiments) is the free electron laser facility in the Netherlands. The laboratory has linear electron accelerators and several undulator systems where infrared radiation is generated within resonant photon cavities. There are three FELs generating intense infrared light in very short pulses.
FELs are unique facilities where knowledge is gained about structure, electronic properties and dynamics of matter through interaction of light with molecules.
The program of this meeting was as follows:
13:15 - 13:30 Welcome
13:30 - 14:00 Introduction by dr. Lex van der Meer
14:00 - 15:30 Visit of the FELIX bunker and user stations.
15:00 Drinks, discussion, networking
Dr. Lex van der Meer presented lay-out and main research areas of the facility. A unique feature is the fact that radiation of FELIX can be guided to the High Field Laboratory next door for investigating matter in extreme conditions.
Prof. dr. Jos Oomens, head of the Molecular Structure and Dynamics group, explained about and showed the equipment for action spectroscopy of molecules. Radiation of FELIX is guided to gaseous samples containing complex molecules to decompose and identify them in an ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometer (superconducting solenoidal system).
PhD student Sjors Bakels showed his research topic in the molecular and biophysics group.
A number of twenty five people attended this visit to the FELX laboratory, among them members of the KIVI departments of Technical Physics, Biomedical Technology Electrical Engineering and regional departments of Oost, Gelderland and Noord- en Midden Limburg.
The visit was well appreciated. We thank Ms. Miriam Heijmerink for the organization and Drs. Van der Meer, Oomens and Bakels for their explanations and enthousiasm.
Het bestuur van KIVI Technische Fysica nodigt u van harte uit voor een bezoek aan de FELIX faciliteit (Free Electron Lasers for Infrared eXperiments):
de vrije elektronenlaser faciliteit in Nederland.
Het laboratorium beschikt over lineraire elektronenversnellers en enkele undulatorsystemen waarmee infrarode straling binnen resonante fotonen trilholtes wordt opgewekt. Er zijn drie vrije elektronenlasers die intens infrarood en teraherz licht in zeer korte lichtpulsen genereren.
Vrije elektronenlasers vormen unieke faciliteiten waarmee via de wisselwerking van licht met moleculen kennis wordt verkregen over structuur, elektronische eigenschappen en de dynamica van de materie.
Aan dit bezoek zijn geen deelnemerskosten verbonden.
FELIX Laboratory - room FX00.03
Toernooiveld 7c, 6525 ED Nijmegen
Technische Fysica
Naam en contactgegevens voor informatie
Jan Botman