Telecom Webinar “Connectivity on the North Sea”
Recording: On March, the KIVI-Section of Telecommunications invite you to a webinar with the theme “Connectivity on the North Sea”.
Moderator: Ignas Niemegeers, Center for Wireless Technology, TU Eindhoven
19:30 u. - 19:45 u. Introduction with short overview of the program "Connectivity on the North Sea" by Ignas Niemegeers, Center for Wireless Technology, TU Eindhoven
19:45 u. - 20:30 u. Speaker 1: An ecosystem approach from Rijkswaterstaat by Fred Hage innovation orchestrator en programmamanager bij Rijkswaterstaat
20:30 u. - 21:15 u. Speaker 2: 5G as a connectivity enabler over the North Sea by Relja Djapic Research Scientist at TNO-ICT
21:15 u. - 21:30 u. Q & A
Speaker 1:
Title: An ecosystem approach from Rijkswaterstaat
Speaker Ir. F.J. (Fred) Hage, innovation orchestrator en programmamanager bij Rijkswaterstaat
Abstract: An ecosystem approach from Rijkswaterstaat
At present, we witness ever-growing economic activities on the North Sea, such as energy and food production and oil & gas exploitation.
Important maritime and aviation routes crossing the North Sea contribute to passenger and cargo transport.
In all these activities large amount of data is sensed, collected and exchanged to support safety and security of processes, Coastguard operations, vessel and airplane traffic management, observations and ecological monitoring.
Creation of a reliable telecommunication network with wide coverage is considered as an essential enabler for these use cases.
Design of such a network should take into account connectivity requirements of various users, network sovereignty and should exploit existing energy and digital infrastructure at sea and combine them with land based infrastructure.
Rijkswaterstaat is validating these aspects through various studies and pilots that will be presented.
Bio Fred Hage:
Fred graduated in the late 1980s as a biologist/ecologist at the Agricultural University in Wageningen. By then, he had already been working at NIOO-KNAW for a few years) and, in addition to making an active contribution to fundamental ecological research, he also did "all kinds of things with computers".
In the mid-1990s, ICT became his most important professional field, with great interest in networks and data communication, 3D, VR and the internet, and he worked for governments and the business community as a consultant, project leader, head of the ICT DEPARTMENT (I&A) and managing director.
In 2017, with a research assignment on broadband in the North Sea for the Coast Guard, he once again ended up in maritime ICT and the wireless data communication that is so essential there. In 2020, work on better connectivity at sea continued at Rijkswaterstaat. From there, he and others started the Connectivity Fieldlab North Sea, which is currently trying to develop into a sustainable public-private partnership and digital ecosystem.
See also: https://linkedin.com/in/fredhage
Speaker 2:
Title: 5G as a connectivity enabler over the North Sea
Speaker: Relja Djapic Research Scientist at TNO-ICT
Abstract: 5G as a connectivity enabler over the North Sea
This presentation will introduce representative North Sea connectivity use-cases and the corresponding performance requirements and technical challenges.
An overview of advanced 5G technological features that could solve these challenges will be introduced. Which 5G features can be used for network coverage extension, and which for mission-critical communications?
What benefits are brought by integration of 5G terrestrial and 5G non-terrestrial (5G-NTN) domains?
Which 5G features are already commercially available, and what is expected to emerge in the future?Â
What are the factors that might affect the pace of 5G rollout over the North Sea? Find the answers to these questions by participating in the presentation.Â
Bio Relja Djapic:
Relja Djapic acquired his M.Sc. degree in Electronics and Telecommunications from the University of Novi Sad in 2000 and his PhD degree in signal processing for communication systems from Delft University of Technology in 2006. His PhD research focused on algorithm design for source separation in phased array and ultrawide band systems. Relja joined TNO in 2006 where he worked on development and rollout of broadband communication systems for national and European telecom operators. Relja participated in numerous national and European projects in the field of 4G/5G cellular communication systems. Since 2017 he conducts research on integration of terrestrial and satellite component in 5G and contributes to 3GPP standardization Systems and Architectures Working Group (SA2) through studies on 5G Satellite Access Architectures.
Moderator: Ignas Niemegeers, Center for Wireless Technology, TU Eindhoven
Speaker's bio
I.G.M.M. Niemegeers got a degree in Electrical Engineering from the University of Gent, Belgium in 1970, an MSc in 1972 and a PhD degree in 1978 in Computer Engineering from Purdue University, USA. From 1978 to 1981 he was a system designer at Bell Telephone Mfg. Cy, Antwerp, Belgium. From 1981 to 2002 he was professor at the University of Twente, The Netherlands. From 1995 to 2002 he was Scientific Director of the Centre for Telematics and Information Technology (CTIT) of the University of Twente. From 2002 until 2012 he was chairman of the Telecommunications Department and professor in Wireless and Mobile Communications at Delft University of Technology.
Since August 2012 he is emeritus professor at Delft University of Technology and guest professor at the Centre for Wireless Technology at Eindhoven University of Technology. He was involved in many European research projects and reviewer for many projects. His present research interests are 6G.,Time-sensitive Networking  and Wireless Avionics Networks.
Recording Telecom Webinar Connectivity on the North Sea
Connectivity Field Lab on the North Sea
Connectivity Field Lab North Sea (Broadband on the North Sea)
LinkedIn: https://linkedin.com/company/cfns