Solar Team Eindhoven: Stella Vita (UITGESTELD)
Update 5 maart 2022.
I.v.m. uitblijven van voldoende aanmeldingen is deze activiteit helaas tot nader bericht uitgesteld. Degenen die zichzelf ingeschreven hadden, worden benaderd. We hopen in overleg met de sprekers tot een nieuwe datum/opzet te komen. Hopelijk in een tijd met hogere kans tot het weer opnieuw kunnen organiseren van fysieke bijeenkomsten. - Bestuur KIVI Werktuigbouwkunde.
This activity will be postponed until further notice. Due to lack of participants who registered for this activity. Those who have registered themselves will be informed by mail. We hope to re-organise this activity on a better moment. - Board of KIVI Mechanical Engineering.
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KIVI Mechanical Engineering is happy to introduce to you Solar Team Eindhoven.
A team of 22 enthusiastic and ambitious students from the Eindhoven University of Technology developed Stella Vita: a self-sustaining house on wheels. Stella Vita has been designed, built and driven to southern France by Solar Team Eindhoven.
Solar Team Eindhoven strives for a sustainable future, where life is powered by the sun. As a student team, we have the power and freedom to be innovative. Not limited by market demands we can start the design process from scratch and free ourselves from preconceptions. This means that we, unlike the industry, can bridge the gap between technological innovation and our daily life. This allows us to innovate fast in a short time. By creating innovative, energy-efficient solar vehicles we inspire the current market and society to accelerate the transition to a more sustainable future - in both mobility and energy.
In a single hour, the amount of power from the sun that strikes the Earth is more than the entire world consumes in a year. By using our greatest energy source, the sun, we can make mobility not about energy consumption rather energy production. We believe that the solution for a sustainable future in mobility lies in the vehicles themselves. By means of solar panels on your vehicle you are independent of the charging infrastructure. By creating innovative, energy-efficient solar vehicles we inspire the current market and society to accelerate the transition to a sustainable future - in both mobility and energy.
During our visit we’ll focus and hear everything about mechanical engineering challenges during the design, built and commissioning of the Stella Vita. We’ll meet part of Solar Team Eindhoven-students, get to learn about their experience driving the Stella Vita to southern Spain and get to see the Stella Vita in real life.
We’ll be able see the actual Stella Vita unfolded.
This activity will be held in both Dutch & English (if required). In order to facilitate international students of TU/e.
Please stay home when experiencing symptons of illness, etc.
Find more information about Solar Team Eindhoven at https://solarteameindhoven.nl/
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