Within the Royal Netherlands Society of Engineers (KIVI) there has been a great development which we would like to inform you of.
Recently the projects that are being carried out abroad by the Engineers Without Borders section are, due to the potential risks, housed in a foundation completely seperate from KIVI: Stichting Ingenieurs Zonder Grenzen (Foundation Engineers without Borders, EWB-NL). All other activities within this section will of course continue. We have chosen to take this opportunity to also make this section even more international.
We are pleased to inform you that the KIVI-section Engineers Without Borders, as of today (1 September 2016), will go by the name KIVI International Engineers. English will be the language of this section. This way KIVI can better respond to the needs of its international members. The former board of the section Engineers Without Borders has not stood still during the summer and has been busy organizing nice activities for the fall, such as a bamboo workshop and bamboo-day lectures.
For the section, we are promptly looking for a new enthusiastic board that will contribute to the development of this international network! If you are interested or if you have any questions, please contact Andries Ritsema, Andries.Ritsema@kivi.nl.