
Natural gas is of growing importance as fossil fuel worldwide. Natural gas has often to be transformed into Liquid Natural Gas (LNG) to make economic transport possible. The big challenge in gas/condensate and LNG produced water treatment is to create a discharge that is not harmful to the environment. The reason is that the majority of the toxic content is present in dissolved form. This has the attention of legislative authorities worldwide and has led to discharge management tools such as the Environmental Impact Factor (EIF) introduced by Norway and the Risk Based Approach (RBA) being developed by OSPAR, both to aim at Zero Harmful Discharge to the environment.

The Macro Porous Polymer Extraction technology (MPPE) has been selected for the Shell Prelude project to deal with this challenge. MPPE is a water treatment technology where existing processes like extraction, steam regeneration and absorption are combined with a unique medium. MPPE has been applied in offshore produced water since 1994. Initially in smaller projects and later in larger projects like Shell/Statoil Ormen Lange (Norway), Woodside Pluto (AU) and currently the Shell Prelude project.
MPPE is an innovative technology that has been developed by Akzo Nobel and transferred to Veolia Environnement by the end of 2006.

Prior to the visit of the Prelude MPPE unit a presentation will be given on the MPPE technology and its application in offshore gas/condensate and LNG produced water as well as the Prelude project, by Dick Meijer who has led MPP Systems up to last year as Managing Director.

During visit of the MPPE unit safety precautions are obligatory.
We kindly ask you to take with you: safety shoes,
MPP Systems can provide helmets and glasses.

12.30 – 13.00 hrs arrival with a drink
13.00 – 14.00 hrs sandwich lunch
14.00 – 15.00 hrs presentation by Dick Meijer
Hollandia, Schaardijk 23, 2921 LG KRIMPEN AAN DEN IJSSEL
15.00 -15.30 hrs travel to Hollandia, check in and safety moment
15.30 – 16.30 hrs visit to Shell Prelude MPPE unit


Dick Meijer, Sales and Marketing Director VWS MPP Systems B.V.



K.P. van der Mandelelaan 150, 3062 MB Rotterdam


Duurzame Technologie

Naam en contactgegevens voor informatie

Leo Henriquez