

Despite being warned by the Greek myth of Icarus, our dreams took shape in the sketches of Leonardo da Vinci’s flying machines and became reality with the Wright brothers’ first human powered flight. The world of aviation has always been aware of the risks involved, yet it has always been encouraging curiosity, looking for innovation and pursing its challenges. The current challenges of aviation is the demand for larger aircraft, increasing traffic volumes, rapid development of technological opportunities and conceptual change in aircraft design and usage, this all should be realized with safety as top priority. These challenges and a vision on their solutions will be the central theme of this symposium organised by the VSV ‘Leonardo da Vinci’.

In the aircraft industry a key design parameter is efficiency. Currently the main focus is on fuel efficiency, increasing the demand for lighter aircraft. Therefore, in the past years there has been a search for new materials with enhanced properties. For this reason the Boeing 787 and Airbus 350 are mainly built out of composite materials. However, the application of new materials and maintenance programs requires extensive research and development.
In the operational field the focus is on finding a way to use the airspace more efficiently. The capacity should be increased while at the same time the level of safety needs to be maintained. A possible solution is Single European Sky. Another interesting project in this field is called the Free Flight concept. In this concept the pilots have the permission to fly their own preferred route at their preferred altitude. This implies that the separation limits are the responsibilities of the cockpit crew, assisted by an Airborne Separation Assurance System (ASAS) that alerts and advises the crew instead of Air Traffic Management.
Furthermore there are developments regarding the control systems of the aircraft. Flight control computers are gradually taking over important tasks from pilots. Nowadays, fly-by-wire systems are installed in most commercial airplanes. This system controls the stability of the aircraft, reducing the pilot’s workload. In the future this may lead to aircraft with fewer pilots or even no operational pilots in the cockpit, called Unmanned Aerial Systems.

With safety as top priority, our symposium will discuss the new development in the world of aviation. In particular, this symposium will highlight that safety should not be taken for granted. The structure of the symposium is based around the following questions regarding the future of aviation. What are the challenges in composite structured aircraft, regarding construction and maintenance? With an increasing demand for a more efficient use of the European sky, how can we safeguard the capacity and safety through legislation? How will the role of the pilots change in the future?

Program on March 5th 2013

09:00 Registration Safe Symposium
09:30 Opening

- Material and Maintenance -
09:45 Introduction
09:55 Speaker 1 Jan Verbeek, Partner / Senior Consultant, ADSE
10:30 Speaker 2 Steven Soederhuizen, Vice President Operations & Supply Chain, Fokker Aerostructures
“Manufacturing in aviation: Industrial archaeology or source of innovation?”
11:00 Coffee Break

- Air Traffic Management -
11:20 Introduction
11:30 Speaker 3 Günther Matschnigg, Senior Vice President, IATA
12:05 Speaker 4 Tony Licu, Head Safety Unit, EUROCONTROL “Future ATM Safety Challenges – From Safety I to Safety II”
12:40 Speaker 5 Jacco Hoekstra, Dean Faculty of Aerospace Engineering, TU Delft “A safe chaos or a dangerous order?”
13:10 Lunch

- Flight Control -
14:00 Introduction
14:10 Speaker 6 Harry Nelson, Executive Operational Advisor to Product Safety, Former Experimental Test Pilot, Airbus
“Safety in Aviation – A Timeline of Improvement”
14:45 Speaker 7 Joram Verstraeten, R&D Engineer, NLR “UAS Safety. Would you be a passenger in an unpiloted flight?”
15:15 Tea Break

- Interactive Debate -
15:35 Introduction
15:45 Debate
16:30 Conclusion
16:45 Drinks


Raoul de Jonge, President of the VSV ‘Leonardo da Vinci’
Fred Abbink, Chairman of the Symposium

Jan Verbeek, Partner / Senior Consultant, ADSE

Steven Soederhuizen, Vice President Operations & Supply Chain, Fokker Aerostructures

Günther Matschnigg, Senior Vice President, IATA

Tony Licu, Head Safety Unit, EUROCONTROL

Jacco Hoekstra, Dean Faculty of Aerospace Engineering, TU Delft

Harry Nelson, Executive Operational Advisor to Product Safety, Former Experimental Test Pilot, Airbus

Joram Verstraeten, R&D Engineer, NLR

Pablo Mendes de Leon, Director IIASL, University of Leiden

Fred Abbink, Chairman of the Symposium

Bob Winters, Symposium Affairs of the 20th Aviation Department


Mekelweg 5 2628 CC Delft

Auditorium of the Aula Congress Centre TUDelft


Aerospace Engineering

Studievereniging ‘Leonardo da Vinci’

Naam en contactgegevens voor informatie

VSV 'Leonardo da Vinci' Faculteit LR, TU Delft Kluyverweg 1, 2629 HS Delft T: 015 278 5366

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