Unmanned Aerial Systems - Webinar
Monday April 19th in the evening we will host two speakers from the drone work field, also named UAS’s (Unmanned Aerial Systems). Martin Joosse of the NLR and Maarten Messemaker of the Dutch Military Aviation Authority will each cover a UAS subject after which they will answer your questions.
Martin Joosse is a researcher at NLR in the field of UAS, also called drones. NLR has its own drone test center and drone fleet. Civil drones are undergoing rapid development. He will take us on a journey through the history of UAS technology. The different technological UAS developments that enabled this, such as ‘detect and avoid’ and flying ‘beyond visual line of sight’, will be part of this journey.
Maarten Messemaker is within The Netherlands Military Aviation Authority (MAA-NLD) a subject matter expert for certification of middle and large sized UAS’s within the Dutch Ministry of Defence, including the new MQ9 Reaper. Maarten will explain the MAA-NLD requirements for airworthiness of these UAS’s and how current EU Drone Regulations might influence future certification of military UAS . The particulars of military certification will be of special interest during his talk.