Hybrid warfare is a huge threat to the security of the European Union and individual nations. Members of KIVI DV are invited to participate in a new international working group on this subject
Our partner federation Eurodefense establishes this new working group on hybrid warfare to develop recommendations to the European Parliament, Commission and Council on a continued and improved response to this growing threat.
The working group will be led by Eurodefense Italy (ED-IT) and develop recommendations on three separate aspects:
- EU-NATO partnership and strategies
- The development of disruptive technologies and their role in hybrid warfare
- Analysis of the political, ethical, and economic impact of hybrid threats on the democratic system
Are you KIVI member and interested to tackle the item on disruptive technologies on an international scale?
Join the working group! Contact KIVI DV chairman Jan Wind via jan.wind@kividv.nl by 15 July.
Photo: NL Ministry of Defence