Delft Hydro Motion Team - The potential of liquid hydrogen

On Thursday, 23rd of January, Delft Hydro Motion Dream Team together with KiVi MarTec held a lecture at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering along a tour of their workshop at the ‘Dreamhall’.
The team was represented by Bram & Vivian, who after a brief overview of the history and achievements of Hydromotion, linked these milestones to the present and the challenges they set out to tackle this year. Chief among them being the switch to liquid hydrogen, which yields an almost 3 times improved volumetric energy density. This density is one of the most important limiting factors in the implementation of hydrogen as a carbon-neutral fuel. They walked the audience through the recently completed design phase and gave an overview of the power system with the liquid-hydrogen amenities.
With a relatively small audience, it gave the attendees a perfect platform to ask some in-depth questions. Questions which continued to be posed well into the ‘borrel’ in the faculty bar.
Download the presentation here.