
The tutorial starts with defining the basic functions of a Battery Management System (BMS). The operational mechanisms of batteries are explained and the main characteristics of commonly used rechargeable batteries including NiCd, NiMH and Li-ion batteries as well as fuel cells are highlighted. Based on this information, charging algorithms are presented and the main methodologies applied to State-of-Charge (SoC) indication are described.

After the theoretical foundation, some application examples of BMS in portable devices such as cell phones and shavers are given as illustrations of the theoretical part. Recently, interest in BMS has increased tremendously due to the rise of electrical transportation.

The tutorial will present some basic information on types of electrical vehicles, from micro-hybrids to full electrical vehicles, and its impact on BMS, after which the more specific challenges for BMS in electrical vehicles are discussed. This includes a discussion of cell balancing and redistribution techniques and implementations. Some practical implementations of BMS in electrical vehicles will be presented as illustrations of the theory.

De lezing zal in het Engels gegeven worden.


Henk Jan Bergveld was born in Enschede, the Netherlands, in 1970. He received the M.Sc. degree (cum laude) and the Ph.D. degree (cum laude) in electrical engineering from the University of Twente, Enschede, in 1994 and 2001, respectively. He joined Philips Research Laboratories, Eindhoven, the Netherlands, in 1994. His research interest was modeling of rechargeable batteries to design better battery management systems. This work resulted in his Ph.D. degree and the book Battery Management Systems – Design by modeling (Kluwer, 2002). He is co-author of the book Battery Management Systems – Accurate State-of-Charge Indication of Battery-Powered Applications (Springer, 2008). He is currently a Principal Scientist and team leader power management in the Central Research and Development department with NXP Semiconductors in Eindhoven as well as Part-time Professor “Embedded Control in Energy Management” at Eindhoven University of Technology. His main research interests include electronics for PhotoVoltaic systems, DC/DC converters, battery management systems for electrical vehicles and class-D amplifiers.


Hogeschool van Arnhem en Nijmegen

B 1.12, Ruitenberglaan 26, 6826 CC ARNHEM


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