
Lezing over dynamische optimalisatie.

De lezing zal in het Engels gegeven worden.

Researchers increasingly use dynamic optimization as a method for optimizing performance of (chemical) process systems. In this talk I will explain what dynamic optimization is and what kind of tools exist to solve dynamic optimization problems (e.g. the minimum principle, dynamic programming, vector parameterization). In addition I will showcase a few studies that we are working on in our group; for example: optimal grade changes in reactive distillation, optimal switching in a simulated moving bed column and optimal cleaning of ultra filtration membranes. We will conclude the talk with a summary of recent developments in this area. From all this we may conclude that there is a lot of reason to be optimistic about optimization.

Spreker(s) Edwin Zondervan
Assistant professor "System Integration and Equipment Intensification" Process Systems Engineering Group Eindhoven University of Technology Department of Chemical Engineering and Chemistry


Hogeschool van Arnhem en Nijmegen

B 1.12, Ruitenberglaan 26, 6826 CC ARNHEM


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