Evolutionary Control Software Design
De lezing zal in het Engels gegeven worden.
In industry, the knowledge of control systems shifts increasingly from technical support of the factory to specialized consultancy groups. As a result the end user of control software is less aware of the requirements for his specific application. Still the control engineer has to fulfil the requirements of the customer. Dr.ir. René Bakker will discuss evolutionary software development methods as extreme programming and scrum, as solution to customer requirements which lack clearness and consistency.
Nowadays, in office software, this is already a common approach: we all know the updates we receive for a variety of programs on our personal computers. But in future, this might also apply to control software, especially when the customer is not clear in its software specifications or just does not have the knowledge in control systems to detail his expectations.
Dr.ir. René Bakker
Lector Networked Applications
Information and Communication Academy
HAN University of Applied Sciences
Hogeschool van Arnhem en Nijmegen
B 1.12, Ruitenberglaan 26, 6826 CC ARNHEM
Meet-, Regel- en Besturingstechnologie
HAN: Master Control Systems Engineering
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Secretariaat MRB