Of course you remember FDCA, the precursor to PEF. Avantium produces it in their 2-step YXY process, which consists of dehydration of sugar to MMF, followed by oxidation of MMF to FDCA. Both steps will no doubt see optimization in the future, but in the meantime, there is enough confidence in the process, that together with BASF, they will soon produce 50,000 tpa of the stuff in Antwerp
Of course you remember FDCA, the precursor to PEF.
Avantium produces it in their 2-step YXY process, which consists of dehydration of sugar to MMF, followed by oxidation of MMF to FDCA. Both steps will no doubt see optimization in the future, but in the meantime, there is enough confidence in the process, that together with BASF, they will soon produce 50,000 tpa of the stuff in Antwerp (See our News Archive: 17 October).Some people may object that sugar is part of the food chain, but the Zambezi project, with its pilot in Chemelot, may take care of that by producing pure C6-sugars from wood (See our News Archive: 15 Augustus).
Then there is the oxidation of MMF, which could use a more selective catalyst, or even a more selective process, such as electro-oxidation. (See also our News Archive: 2 October 2015). The recent acquisition of Liquid Light with its trove of patents and patent applications just might have something to do with this.
But FDCA is not the final destination; to make PEF you also need Ethylene Glycol (MEG). Now, that is where the Mekong project comes in. Altogether, a very focused strategy!
And by the way, they hope to raise at least 90 million euros in an initial public offering. First day of trading will be 15 March. Proceeds will go to building the plant in Antwerp.