New nuclear power in the Netherlands beyond 2030
You can find the presentations under 'Documenten'
Click here for the recording of Harry Keeling
Click here for the recording of Aleksander Wolski
Click here for the recording of Bram-Paul Jobse
Click here for the recording of Ad Louter
Click here for the recording of Rauli Partanen
Mini conference "New nuclear power in the Netherlands beyond 2030"
To limit climate problems caused by global warming, the Netherlands is committed to complete decarbonisation by 2050. This confronts the society with a great challenge and all creativity and all possible solutions will be needed to achieve this goal. A re-introduction of nuclear power in the Netherlands, next to other low-carbon sources like wind and solar could bring this goal closer.
The symposium will cover the following topics:
- The advances of nuclear, complementary to wind and solar, in the Netherlands
- Characteristics and capabilities of the newest reactor designs, commercially available the coming 10 years.
- Both large reactor designs and Small Modular reactors will be discussed.
- Conditions needed to allow new nuclear in the Netherlands
Corona measures: admission via COVID-QR app
The number of audience is limited. Allocation based on reservation date. If you have reserved and decide not to participate, you are urgently requested to cancel in time, so your place can be used by someone else. Unsubscribe via the KIVI site or by email to kerntechniek@kivi.nl
Morning: Nuclear Vendors - Technology and project progress
09:30h Coffee
10:00h Welcome
10:15h Presentation Harry Keeling (Rolls Royce, UK) - Progress and advances of SMR at Rolls Royce
11:00h Presentation Olivier Codon (EdF, F) - Role of nuclear in a low-carbon energy system
11:45h Presentation Aleksander Wolski (Rosatom, RUS) - Developments international new built program at Rosatom
12:30h Buffet lunch
Afternoon: Decarbonization - social and organizational aspects
13:30h Presentation Bram-Paul Jobse (EPZ) - New nuclear in Borssele
14:15h Presenation Ad Louter (Urenco) - Nuclear power and decarbonization in the Netherlands
15:00h Coffee break
15:30h Presentation Rauli Partanen (FIN) - Nuclear energy and climate change
16:15h Discussion
17:00h Drinks
Organisation KIVI Kerntechniek in collaboration with KIVI Regio Oost and KIVI Students Twente.