international, English
3 juni 2024
17:30 uur - 21:30 uur

Sino-Dutch evening at KIVI

As KIVI International Engineers, we are looking forward to hosting you at our Sino-Dutch evening at KIVI Headquarter in The Hague. We have invited 4 speakers to share their perspective on culture and society, education and research, economy, technology and innovation in China and The Netherlands. During the panel discussion, the speakers will also interact with the audience to exchange their options on the challenges and opportunities in China and The Netherlands, and more importantly, how the two countries can strengthen their collaboration by better mutual understanding. Last but not the least, how engineers can contribute. Do you already have a topic for the panel discussion? Feel free to send it to or our LinkedIn homepage.

KIE Zuid-Holland
Kardex 1.jpg
Embedded Systems
14 maart 2024
15:00 uur - 18:00 uur

Company visit to AME: Applied Micro Electronics

Applied Micro Electronics "AME" B.V. is an independent developer and manufacturer of high quality electronic products located in the top technological region of the world (Brain-port Eindhoven). This is a joint activity only open to Royal Netherlands Society of Engineers members (KIVI), organized by KIVI Electrical Engineering and KIVI International Engineers.

EL Noord-Brabant
Foto TU/e en NXP Semiconductors intensiveren samenwerking
26 februari 2024
13:30 uur - 17:15 uur

TU/e-NXP visit: electronics research in the 30-300 GHz band

During the afternoon of February 26th 2024, speakers from TU/e, NXP and Fontys will present application requirements, trends and technology options to address the challenges of mm-wave and THz communication and sensing. In addition, there will be a tour of the lab facilities at TU/e.

EL Noord-Brabant