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28 oktober 2021
19:00 uur - 20:30 uur

Acquiring new skills: lessons from an educator for current-day engineers

The focus in education is shifting more and more from knowledge (what you know) to skills (what you can do). At the same time, the focus in industry is shifting towards life-long learning. Engineers are expected to continuously pick up new skills during their entire career. But doing so, in the limited time that is available, is quite challenging.

KIE Zuid-Holland
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11 juni 2021
16:00 uur - 17:30 uur

Philosophical Table - PLASTICS

For the restart of our events, the department of Philosophy and Technology has chosen to collaborate with the TU/e Study Association AnArchi. Chairman Prof. ir. Jac van den Broek has reached out to Associate Professor Jacob Voorthuis. Together they invite you to join this event on Friday, June 11th, where Study Association AnArchi organizes her 24th Philosophical Table. This time, it is our pleasure to take a seat at one of this ‘round table meetings’ at the TU/e to discuss the theme PLASTICS.

F&T Noord-Brabant
Bridging the gap-How to build a collaboration across countries to combat COVID and create sustainable jobs..PNG
18 mei 2021
19:00 uur - 20:30 uur

Bridging the gap

During this session, Eco Brixs founder - Andy Bownds and Project Leader - Antonio Garcia Rubio, will recount how the project got started, what are the major technical and social challenges, how to apply and win an innovation grant from SBIR (on their first try ever) and what bringing this project to reality has taught them.

KIE Zuid-Holland
KIVI Carrousel
14 april 2021
19:30 uur - 20:30 uur

QRM 101

Als vervolg van het event 'Introduction & debate: Agile, Lean or QRM?' zal Leon Jetten dieper ingaan op de beginselen van QRM procesmanagementtechnieken.

YKE Zuid-Holland
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10 maart 2021
19:30 uur - 20:30 uur

KIVI Café - PREFER - What type of engineer are you? - Part II

During this KIVI Café YKE provides a PREFER workshop (MATCH) to help you find out how to shape your career to match the type of engineer you are. This time a KIVI Coach will join the session to help you find your answers. This is Part II of the PREFER workshop.

YKE Zuid-Holland
KIVI Carrousel
3 maart 2021
19:30 uur - 20:30 uur

KIVI Carrousel - PREFER - What type of engineer are you? - Part I

During this KIVI Carrousel YKE provides a PREFER workshop (EXPLORE) to help you find out what type of engineer you are. This is Part I of the PREFER workshop.

YKE Zuid-Holland