Future Proof Shipping 2
25 januari 2024
18:30 uur - 22:00 uur

Future Proof Shipping

The design and conversion of the first fully zero emission inland container vessel. Speaker: Dirk de Jong, Project Manager Future Proof Shipping

MRT Zuid-Holland
Foto ASML machine for AR&VR
25 januari 2024
15:30 uur - 19:00 uur

Company visit to ASML: Augmented & Virtual Reality (AR & VR) applications

ASML is an innovation leader in the semiconductor industry. ASML provides chipmakers with everything they need hardware, software, and services to mass produce patterns on silicon through lithography. This is a joint activity only open to Royal Netherlands Society of Engineers members (KIVI), organized by KIVI Electrical Engineering and KIVI International Engineers.

EL Noord-Brabant
Photo High tech Campus 31
26 oktober 2023
15:30 uur - 18:00 uur

Health Resarch at Imec in Eindhoven

Visit of KIVI Electrical Engineering section and KIVI Region-south to Imec at Holst Centre in Eindhoven.

EL Noord-Brabant
Logo 2 E&A 2023
Embedded Systems
26 t/m 28 september 2023

Electronics & Applications 2023

We zitten inmiddels volop in de zomer, maar Electronics & Applications 2023 komt snel dichterbij! Van 26 tot en met 28 september zal E&A op de beursvloer van de Jaarbeurs uitpakken met ruim 130 exposanten. Daarnaast behandelt het seminarprogramma een breed aantal actuele onderwerpen. Tijdens Electronics & Applications 2023 ontmoet je niet alleen exposanten, maar kun je ook gratis deelnemen aan seminars en projecten. Het programma behandelt actuele thema's die je praktische oplossingen bieden voor jouw vraagstukken.

EL Utrecht
International, English, TMC
28 juni 2023
17:00 uur - 21:00 uur

MIT SDM (System Design and Management)

As KIVI International Engineers, we are looking forward to hosting you at our third event of 2023, at TMC which is located at the beautiful High Tech Campus in Eindhoven. This is also the second time we will host an event at TMC.

KIE Noord-Brabant
International, AI, English, TUDelft, Hyperloop
25 mei 2023
18:30 uur - 20:45 uur

Delft Hyperloop

JOIN US to learn more about the future of transportation! As KIVI International Engineers, we are looking forward to hosting you at our second event of 2023! First, we will welcome you with warm and delicious pizza to meet and greet! Then we will host an interactive session about Delft Hyperloop, a dream team from TU Delft, which is busy with the implementation of the Hyperloop system by building a pod and track that demonstrates the full-scale potential of the Hyperloop technology at the European Hyperloop Week competition in Edinburgh We will listen to three presentations from three members of the team about this technology and its applications, and potential in transforming the transport industry. The event will be finalized with a Q&A with the three speakers!

KIE Zuid-Holland
Energy Now 2023 Evoluon
Energy Transistion
15 mei 2023
09:30 uur - 17:30 uur

Energy Now 2023 the move towards energy independence

Energy transition has gained momentum in Europe in the past decade to ensure a sustainable future. The European Union has established goals for lowering carbon emissions through the use of renewable energy sources, but this transition will take time since Europe is heavily reliant on imported natural gas. However, due to the current geopolitical situation, the transition to energy independence has been accelerated. Implementation of any sustainable technology depends on the actions and the policies of the government as well as vertical integration to involve relevant stakeholders and the people.To become more independent and move towards clean energy; what are the alternatives which can meet the demand?

EL Noord-Brabant
Logo Future of Energy
11 mei 2023
13:00 uur - 20:00 uur

Future of Energy 2023

Ben je net als ons ook zo geïnteresseerd in welke uitdagingen, mogelijkheden en grote maatschappelijke relevanties de energietransitie allemaal te bieden heeft? Kom dan naar het jongeren event “The Future of Energy” op donderdag 11 Mei 2023 bij Breepark in Breda! Samen met een aantal grote bedrijven organiseert S.V. Sililicum lezingen, demo’s, pitches en workshops rondom het thema energietransitie.

KS Noord-Brabant