24 oktober 2019
19:00 uur - 21:15 uur

How do we elevate our industries together?

Stephanie’s speaking is driven by her vision of Architecting Interaction. Based on Stephanie’s belief that interactions are the seeds of innovation.

KIE Zuid-Holland
Big Data
19 juni 2019
19:00 uur - 22:00 uur

Innovation and AI: Human and artificial intelligence collaboration

Are you curious about the innovative developments in AI technologies and the impact of human and artificial intelligence collaboration? How it will influence innovation, technology and future of engineering even by changing the definition of job roles?

KIE Zuid-Holland
18 april 2019
18:30 uur - 21:30 uur

Innovation and Energy: CO2 reduction strategies in transport

Building a society that demands less energy and is less dependent on non-renewable energy sources: these are the ambitious goals of the energy transition.

KIE Zuid-Holland
21 februari 2019
18:30 uur - 21:30 uur

Data Science Demystified

How can data science help me to make better business decisions? Is my data mature enough to be reliable?

KIE Noord-Brabant