19 november 2020
12:30 uur - 13:40 uur

Online Event: KIVI OT Best Graduates of 2019

The past months two dedicated juries have reviewed the work of four nominees from the TU Delft Offshore and Dredging Engineering MSc Program and four nominees from Dutch universities of applied science. The 19th of November the winners will be announced and given the opportunity to present their work to the KIVI OT community. Join us to congratulate them and hear all about their groundbreaking studies!

OT Zuid-Holland
15 oktober 2020
12:30 uur - 13:30 uur

Online Presentation The Impact Of Wave & Ship Motion Prediction

Next Ocean - Online Event. Speakers: Peter Naaijen & Karel Roozen, Founders Next Ocean BV

OT Zuid-Holland
17 september 2020
12:30 uur - 13:45 uur

Online Lunch Presentation MARIN Blue Growth

MARIN - Online Event. Speaker: William Otto, Senior Project Manager MARIN

OT Zuid-Holland
18 juni 2020
16:30 uur - 18:00 uur

Online KIVI OT / Maasmond Maritime news quiz

Together with Piet Sinke, known for his daily news clippings, KIVI OT organizes a virtual news quiz on June 18!

OT Zuid-Holland
31 maart 2020
18:15 uur - 21:30 uur

One mould fits all

Lecture by Tahira Ahmed, Director at Curve Works

MRT Zuid-Holland
16 januari 2020
19:00 uur - 22:00 uur

Embracing the New Energy Mix: Safer, Greener, Smarter

Lecture by Thomas Spanjaard (Business Acquisition Manager Renewables) and Menko Teunis (Marine Engineer).

OT Zuid-Holland